Saturday, September 10, 2011

Implementation of the ICU Program
Goal: To effectively implement a new grading policy, analyze its effect on the drop out rate, student apathy, teacher apathy, and results on standardized testing.
Action Steps(s)
Person(s) Responsible
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources

Administer pre-implementation program survey of teachers and students

Amanda Townley; advisory teachers of 9th and 10th grade students
Sept 2011
Survey Monkey (for teachers and students once students receive laptops);
Analyze surveys for teacher/student opinions and attitudes toward grading policy of GHS, toward grades and toward new grading policy
Create a blog for teachers to share their experiences in the classroom while using the ICU program

Amanda Townley; teachers
Sept. 2011 – May 2012
Teachers will be able to post as often as they like and will be encouraged to join in on discussions
Laptops and blog address.
Check blog for comments and actively participate in discussions.
Obtain dropout information report.

Amanda Townley; Nancy Dunlap & Maria Iltis.
September 2011
Spreadsheet; drop out report
Analyze the drop out history of GHS. Look at truancy cases, credit recovery efforts, etc.
Construct a parent letter/newspaper article explaining the new grading policy

Amanda Townley; Robert Loomis; Red Team
September 2011
Letter to be mailed out to 9th and 10th grade parents
Evaluate how parents perceive the program, answer questions that arise
Survey teachers and students each 6 weeks to gather data on motivation level of students

Amanda Townley; advisory teachers of 9th and 10th grade students
October 2011 – May 2012
Survey Monkey
Evaluate surveys, looking for increased trends in student motivation to complete assignments, affect that ICU program has had timeliness of completing assignments as well as overall student learning and performance.

Meet with core teachers regularly to evaluate progress of implementation and to support teachers during implementation

Amanda Townley; core teachers for 9th and 10th graders
October 2011-May 2012  (department meeting one core each month)
Field Notes, 
student work products/ projects,
Discuss progress/concerns and develop ideas for improved implementation
What is working?
What is not?
What changes need to be made?
Evaluate Benchmark Test Data from Eduphoria

Amanda Townley, Tracy Pippins, Robert Loomis, Ashley Stewart
January/ February 2012-May 2012
Compare trends in student progress before and during implementation of grading policy
Evaluate TAKS/ EOC test scores in light of  previous TAKS scores
Amanda Townley; Red Team; Robert Loomis
May/June 2012
Compare TAKS (10th) and EOC (9th) data to previous TAKS data as well as to Benchmark data; look for improvement/mastery in SE gaps from previous years.

Evaluate student feeling opinions that are actively participating in the program—those having to go through ICU
Amanda Townley
Before school ICU or After School ICU
Jan 2012-May 2012
Interview students
Evaluate the interviews for evidence of changes in student apathy, climate of the school and an understanding of ICU program. Evaluate the effects of the program on student performance in class.

Administer end of year survey to students/

Amanda Townley
May 2012
Survey Monkey;
Compare end of year surveys to the pre-implementation surveys.
Meet with stakeholders to discuss results, evaluate effectiveness of ICU, and determine strategies to improve the program
Amanda Townley, Red Team and 9th and 10th grade core teachers
June 2012
Data gathered throughout school year
Analyze results—looking at performance, credit recovery, SWAS, drop out rate/ graduation rate; construct plan to create a more effective program for next year.


  1. Amanda, it sounds like you have a plan in place. Will only certain students be involved in ICU or is a whole school initiative? Also, do you have plans in place to follow up for those who do not respond to surveys? Do you foresee any concerns with getting data back from the surveys ot that the data is legitimate? (I ask because that is a concern of mine with surveying teachers adn students.)

  2. Thank you Breck...
    I have not fashioned a fail safe for when teachers/ students do not respond. I plan to use data from surveys as well as numbers of participants, etc to validate the surveys. Not sure how that is all going to play out yet.
    Thanks again

  3. Amanda,
    I think your plan looks great. It is very thorough. I was wondering what you were hoping to see as a correlation between the new grading policy and TAKS/EOC scores? Do you think that you are going to be able to draw any conclusions about the students test scores and the grading policy? I know for my project I wasn't sure I would be able to find a correlation. Maybe what you are looking at will be more evident. Just a thought. Good luck. I look forward to seeing your results.
