Friday, August 26, 2011

An excerpt from the book that I am reading...

A Learner's Bill of Rights
Every learner has the right to know why they are learning something, why it is important now, or may be important to them someday.

Every learner has the right to engage in questioning or interrogating the idea of "importance" above.

Every learner has the right to be confused and to express this confusion openly, honestly, and without shame.

Every learner has the right to multiple paths to understanding a concept, an idea, a set of facts, or a series of constructs.

Every learner has the right to understand his or her own mind, brain wiring, and intellectual inclinations as completely as possible.

Every learner has the right to interrogate and question the means through which his or her learning is assessed.

Every learner is entitled to some privacy in their imagination and thoughts.

Every learner has the right to take their own imagination and thinking seriously.
-From Wounded By School
Kirsten Olson


  1. What book is this from? I love the acknowledgment in this statement. I strive for all of these with my students, I fall short at times, but I continue pushing forward! Nice post!

  2. Wounded by School: Recapturing the Joy in Learning and Standing Up to Old School Culture
    by Kirsten Olson
